One Response

  1. Thank you, Don, for these words of encouragement which are so challenging. I’m contemplating how to follow Jesus, to hear and to do what is said about marriage and husband and wife submitting to one another. I had a discussion with Jeff the other morning about church as he’s anxious to be in fellowship but struggling to find a place where he fits. Sadly, he hasn’t been able to find that fit at TCFC because he has strong beliefs about doctrine and the way God is speaking to him. For me doctrine is not such a big issue, but to join him in finding that connection, the connection that will hopefully feed his soul, we are going to try a Baptist church which may work for him. Pray for me, please, as I sense the need to submit to his leading in this. Needless to say, I will stay in touch with you and still think of my home with you all at TCFC. I’ll be praying for you, your ministry and the continuing ministry of the Word and of the vibrant ministry to the Tigard Community through the Food Share. I am so grateful for all the years I’ve been a part of the TCFC community, for the Kingdom Community I find with you all. I’ll not say goodbye. I’ll always be a part of you and you a part of me. I’ll try to drop in from time to time now that things are settling down here. I just wanted to let you know that your message spoke to me in this way today and so that you would know what’s happening with us, at least that’s the plan at the moment. I pray God will direct our steps always. God bless and keep you all.

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